Our Work


Official Refugee Resettlement Agency​

As of October 1, 2023, we are the official Refugee Resettlement Affiliate Site for Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) in Ontario, California. Under this program, we aim to provide Reception & Placement (R&P) Services to newly arrived refugees for the initial 90 days.

These services include:

  • Housing assistance
  • Cultural orientation
  • Enrollment in education programs such as ESL
  • Employment assistance
  • Public benefits enrollment
  • Refugee health assessment
  • Community integration
  • Counseling services
  • Aid for Unaccompanied Youth
Our PAST projects

From Afghanistan to Utah to California!

Education, Graduation

According to UNESCO, for more than 265 million children around the world, education is only a dream. Poverty remains one of the most significant factors that hinder access to quality education. Countries with the highest out-of-school rate are also among the poorest countries in the world.
During our inaugural year, we collaborated with various universities and institutes of higher education in Afghanistan to secure full scholarships, partial scholarships, and tuition waivers for the university students.
This agreement lasted four years, from 2015 to 2019, and assisted numerous students, who otherwise would have not had the chance to attend the university in achieving their educational ambitions. Additionally, the organization donated two-thousand books to students of all ages in Afghanistan, and academic books to various libraries and universities in Afghanistan.

At Lifting Humanity, we believe that it’s hard for children and young adults to succeed in their lives if they are going through food deprivation. Overall health is impaired due to the lack of proper nutrition, and children often lag in school due to a lack of concentration or illness caused by hunger.  Below are some of our Food Aid projects in Afghanistan:

  • During the holy month Ramadhan, April 2022, we distributed Food Packages to orphans, widows and other needy families in Kabul. On average, each Food Package provided a food ration for a family of seven for one month
  • In January 2022, we distributed Food Packages in the Baghlan Province to 125 families (875 men, women, and children).
  • In January 2022, we distributed Food Packages in the Helmand Province to 125 families (875 men, women, and children).
  • In April 2021, we distributed AF 548,000.00 cash assistance to 144 widows, orphans, people with disability, and other needy families.
  • In May 2020, we distributed Food Packages to 90 widows, orphans, people with disabilities, and other needy families. 
  • In April 2019, we distributed Food Packages to 80 widows, orphans, people with disability, and other needy families..

Lifting Humanity provided supportive and integrating services to the newly arrived refugees adjusting in their new environments and building a new life in the US. We provided:

  • Cultural Sensitivity and Trauma Informed Training for community partners.
  • Translation of Documents into Dari and Pashto
  • Legal Assistance for Afghan parole applications in Salt Lake City, Utah where over 50 applications were processed.
  • Filed social security and job application forms and translated documents from Pashto and Dari to English in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Welcoming Lunch: In October 2021, we co-organized a welcoming lunch for the new refugees/arrivals in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were picked up and dropped off at their residence. They were provided clothing, shoes, food products, general hygiene products, women hygiene products, diapers, toys, cookware, dinner ware, and other household needs.
  • Ongoing donations of shoes, clothing, household items, and hygiene products to newly arrived refugees in Salt Lake City, Utah and in Southern California.

In Kabul, Afghanistan, Lifting Humanity provided assistance to individuals and families facing with challenging winter conditions.

  • To help protect the most vulnerable and needy families against the harsh cold winter of Kabul 2023, we distributed firewood per family in the month of February 2023 to numerous families living in the tent camps and other residential areas in various parts of Kabul.
  • In February 2022, we distributed Winter Clothing Packages to 160 families (960 orphans, widows, men, women, and children) in Kabul. One Winter Package included the following items and was sufficient for a family of six:
    • 6 Blankets
    • 6 Winter Jackets 
    • 6 Pullovers/Sweaters 
    • 18 Pairs Socks 
    • 6 Pairs Gloves 
    • 6 Beanie (male)/Shawl(female).
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